Pizza Party game Online y8 Pizza Party

The party is about to begin, secretly telling you a little secret, that is, pizza is available in unlimited quantities! But the taste is unlocked by the satisfaction of the customer, and more pizzas are scored to get higher scores. Achieve a score to unlock new flavors of pizza!

How to Play Pizza Party game Online y8 Pizza Party

Firstly, check the recipe of each pizza.

Secondly. confirm which pizza the customers need.

Last, add the correct ingredients and put them into the oven.


Web Browser(PC & Tablet & Mobile)

Introduction of Pizza party pickup game online y8

Pizza party pickup game online is a pizzeria-style restaurant cooking video games where you'll be handed the keys to your very first business. Like in many cooking video games, you will start by serving simple dishes, made with a minimum of ingredients. To play, it's simple: put on the pizza dough the various accompaniments that go into making the dish ordered. Once ready, press the "oven" button to send the dish. New ingredients will be added regularly, so you will have to memorize the composition of all your dishes so as not to make a mistake!
If you are interested in the more cooking game, then just click:

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